Wednesday 27 January 2010

Sarah is Leaving Target Women!!!

As Terra just posted on her wonderful blog, SARAH HASKINS IS LEAVING INFOMANIA'S TARGET WOMEN. This is possibly one of the worst pieces of entertainment-related news I've heard in a long time.

Target Women is one of those real pleasures in life, a dependable source of media-bashing wit and fresh feminist comedy. I like nothing better than to sit down with a cup of tea and watch old episodes over and over again. Sarah combines genuine intellectual magic with pure and simple humour, and I admire her so much for her effortless style: she shows that women can be funny without being caricatures.

To say that I will miss her goes without saying. I sincerely hope that the future of Target Women remains bright, and that Sarah will go on to produce more fantastic material in the future.


1 comment:

  1. Oh Sarah, why are you leaving us?!

    She will be sorely missed. :(

