Saturday 23 January 2010

Patrick Wolf

Recently, I have become completely addicted to Patrick Wolf's music. I haven't been so hooked on a particular artist's work since I discovered David Bowie a few years ago. Patrick is one of those rare talents that have the ability to move the listener's emotions. His music is both epic and intimate, ambitious and simple, heart-wrenchingly painful and gloriously joyous. It's as though he breathes his music; it's organic, it pulsates with life. The themes that run through his work -- loneliness, freedom, nature -- are timeless, as are the beautiful strings (Patrick plays the viola) and the hints of old folk music and traditional myth. Coupled with this ageless quality is the very modern electronic element to his work, which gives the music an undercurrent of sexuality and a heartbeat-like pulse.

I saw spirits
Crawl across the river mouth
In skewed ascension
With no destination
Like this lone bachelor in me
This constant yearning
For great love and learning
For the wind to carry me free

Of course, I have to say that the androgynous appearance is a bonus seems I have a little bit of a thing for more effeminate guys in makeup, which might be a potential distraction from my general lesbianism if it weren't for the unfortunate drawback of male genitalia. Ahem.
Wind in the wires
It’s the sigh of wild electricity
I’m on the edge of a cliff
Comfort and security

But here comes a gale
A crippling anger
Sea birds are blown
Into the rocks
Grace is lost to thunder

Patrick has been producing stuff for quite a while now; his first album, Lycanthropy, was released in 2003 and his latest album, the INCREDIBLE The Bachelor, came out in 2009. His next piece, The Conqueror, is due for release later in the year. I can't wait! I'd love to go and see him live, but I'm not aware of any upcoming gigs... :(

Hooray for Patrick!



  1. Hear hear! Needless to say I agree with everything you just said!!! :):):)
    He's a wonderful genre-dodging, unconfineable, marvel!

  2. My, how I love him!

    We have to go and see him next time he does gigs in England. It's compulsory!!! xxx

  3. Win to Patrick Wolf! I love it when you find an artist who you just really love, and everything they do sounds amazing. :)


  4. It is indeed a most wonderful feeling! The lovely feeling of falling into their music like it's a big soft pillow of win! :) xxx
