Thursday 27 August 2009

A Fond Farewell


I'm packing my bag and heading off to Cheltenham for a while, for the Greenbelt Festival. Over the next five days I shall be discovering new bands, dancing in the crazy way that I do, eating lots of crap, getting very little sleep and throwing all inhibitions out of the window!

I shall return on Tuesday, hopefully with a nice long blog-post thought out in my mind, ready for my last evening of peace before I return back to the SCHOOL OF DOOM.

In the meantime, keep standing up for yourself and hating the sickness in society!

Best wishes,


1 comment:

  1. Yay, I will J, don't worry!

    And have an amazing time at Greenbelt - I'm sure you'll have loads of fun! :D

    I'll miss you~
