Monday 16 March 2009


For once in my life I am glad I'm a teenager.

This gives me a good reason as to why I'm so tired. Permanently. Constantly. 24/7. And it also gives me hope that one day I will "grow out of it."

At the end of 2007 I went for a test for anaemia and glandular fever, because I was so exhausted that it was making me very blue. Both tests came back negative. I went through all of last year feeling tired (although better during BST because of the long hours of daylight), and now I am once again shattered.

Get out the violins, woe is me, etc. etc. Never mind. Moving on...

HOW TO MAKE AMAZING VEGAN BISCUITS (I am a vegan for Lent, in case you didn't know)
Pre-heat the oven to about 150 degrees, but it doesn't really matter. Make it up as you go along basically.

1) Seive 6 oz flour into a bowl
2) Melt 6 oz sunflower spread (you can use butter if you're not a vegan) and stir into the flour
3) Add 6 oz of brown sugar and stir in
4) Keep adding sugar as you stir
5) More sugar
6) Then a bit more
7) Make sure the mixture is on the borderline between being really firm and really soggy (this makes the final biscuits chewy and lovely).
8) Roll it out. It should be so soft that when you try and roll it out it nearly falls apart. You shouldn't be able to cut out shapes easily, so roll little balls of mixture, drop it onto the greased tin, then pop a glass bottom on top then pull it off to reveal the circular shape (you may need to use flour to stop it sticking).
9) Bake until you can smell them and they're nice and golden brown, like the Stranglers' song.

The more brown sugar the better!

You could also add chocolate chips for the best cookies on the planet.

Yes I am good!


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