Monday 2 March 2009

Procrastination and Civil Liberties

1) Why? Why do I do it?

I am a motivated student in so many ways. I love my subjects, I usually only daydream for five minutes per lesson, and I am desperate to go to a good Uni. I really do care.

Most of my Sundays are spent glued to the computer screen, doing "homework." This means that for about six out of seven hours I will be on Facebook, and maybe I will occasionally procrastinate in other ways, such as compulsively cleaning my teeth or looking up pictures of ageing glam-rockers.

Procrastination is, for me, like a health condition. It causes me distress and I hate it, but I cannot really help it. There have been some articles in the newpapers recently saying that people who are happy in spite of the recession must have an "optimism gene." Perhaps there is a procrastination gene? I should contact Richard Dawkins.

2) Britain is sleepwalking into a police state, a nanny state, a Big Brother surveillance state...

It's time to wake up!

I have decided to refuse to carry an ID card if this bad idea, if you will forgive the pun borrowed from the Tories, ever comes through.

And if I do manage to vote in the next general election (although this is seriously unlikely as the election will probably be a month before my 18th) I will cast some kind of protest vote, possibly Green. I've always been a bit of a hippy at heart.

For more info, there's a fascinating and frightening film called "Taking Liberties" by Chris Atkins, which I definitely reccomend if you ever find yourself wondering what happened to liberty and justice.

Also visit,, and get reading political manifestos: our rights are slipping away! Let's get them back :)

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