Wednesday 8 September 2010


I know that, sometimes, I seem like one of these pretentious alternative people who insists on having all those "lifestyle choices" to annoy your average Telegraph-reader (I genuinely like being a vegetarian, honest!). So it may not surprise you that I'm getting a bit fixated on saving the elephant this week.

Animal rights activists and people who care about the environment are often seen as a bit of a joke. I appreciate that scepticism gives the climate debate credit and that the green lobby can be guilty of outrageous scaremongering at times, but we are literally killing the natural world, and whether this is making the world warmer or not seems irrelevant to the morality of it.

Saving the elephant is some serious shit.

Elephants have incredibly distinct personalities, and they have consciousness, like humans (this is tested with a mirror to see if the animal recognises that the reflection is not a separate creature). An elephant famously has a fantastic memory. They have imaginations, they play, they form specific friendships and bonds. They are gentle and caring, and are traumatised and bereaved when family members die. They live almost as long as humans do. And they have the longest gestation period of any mammal (imagine being pregnant for twenty-two months!).

The very fact that elephants are individual, conscious, sentient, intelligent beings means that, in my opinion, they have as much right to live on this planet as humans do. The problem is that many humans seem to think that they can abuse elephants. Poaching is a serious problem, with ivory in high demand, and elephants are still used in circuses. Elephants are also being driven out of their natural habitats by --big surprise-- humans.

I watched Elephant Diaries on the television the other day and was enchanted by how special these animals are. The idea that they are endangered saddens me tremendously.

Fortunately, there are many people out there trying to save the elephant. The Elephant Parade in London is attempting to raise awareness of the problems facing the Asian elephant.

Please watch this video and sign the petition!

J xxx


  1. Good job spreading the word, but even if they weren't such intelligent and longlived animals, they'd still deserve every ounce of our respect, as do all other animals. It's a shame that their lives should have to be justified this way.
    Hopefully there'll be a time when opinions have changed, before even more animals become extinct by our hand.
    I would really recommend donating to wwf or a similar charity that use their funds to help those in most need. Their newsletters and magazines are also a great way to keep up with the progress that's being made!

  2. I agree with you. As a vegetarian I think all animals deserve respect. But the problem is that people don't think like that: people think it's OK to eat, say, pigs on the basis that they are mere farm animals, or not clever (even though a pig is pretty intelligent). So people's mentality is that some animals are more worth saving than others, and so it seems to me that people are more likely to save the elephant, or indeed any species, if they are convinced of its intelligence. It's hypocritical, but I thought for the purposes of this article it would be a good idea to elaborate on why the elephant is so awesome so that people will get involved. :)
