Thursday 29 October 2009

Aaaah so exciting!!!!


  1. WTF to the scene on the bus!? xD

    It looks really awesome - and I'm surprised at how many people I recognise! We absolutely HAVE to all see this together! :'D


  2. Pahaha. John was well-known for his practical jokes and dangerous stunts! XD

    Well, it comes out on Boxing Day.

    I suppose if anyone is willing to escape the Christmas atmosphere on the 27th we could go then? Otherwise it would have to be when we go back to school, on a weekend or something!

    I AM SO BLOODY EXCITED! I saw this trailer and NEARLY COLLAPSED, I ran around the house!!!

    The late 50s and very early 60s is the time of Beatles history that I'm most interested in, you know, as a hobby. In the books I've read, I've literally gobbled up pre-fame Beatles history. I mean, obviously it's great when they're worldwide superstars but it's all tainted with tension and egoism and legal shit, and to be honest I'm more fascinated in the Liverpool boys who just wanted to make music!!!

    It's so historically fascinating.


  3. Well, I probably can get out of the christmas zone. We have to go and see it some time!

    Haha, I can imagine... xD

    Yeah, I can see why that would be more interesting. It's the 'grassroots' side of the whole Beatles-mania thing, where you get to see what historically defined four people who became so historically defining!


  4. That's a good way of putting it... oh I wish I was as articulate as you! Your writing skills make me look like a ten-year-old.

    'Grassroots': oh dear, I will always associate that word with the AS Civil Rights module (which I did badly in!)

