Friday 13 November 2009

More Bits and Bobs

1) This is completely outrageous:

It's bad enough that women are obsessed with changing their visible body parts! How on Earth did society get so sick that a woman now wants perfect genitalia? Excuse me? Is she really going to run around showing people what lies beneath her pants...? Maybe she is. I don't know. I just don't understand.

I really despair about where feminism went terribly, terribly wrong.

I am very sad about this.

2) Aaargh, Twilight!

I've read three out of four of the books in the series. While I admit that the books are very easy to read and hard to put down, they are sexist and badly written. Not only is the language itself less-than-sophisticated, but the themes are just a tad dodgy when you begin to think about it. Not only is Edward Cullen a predatory and over-protective vampire -- and we all know the sexual parallels attached to such a creature -- but Bella is completely unable to function without a man in her life. Bella is a rather uninteresting, two-dimensional female character, who spends most of her time doing housework when she is not obsessing over the byronic Edward or using another male, the strong and oh-so-handsome Jacob Black, to ease her pain. Obviously other girls get Twilight and I don't, so me going on about it like this has no point to it.

What is most sad, for me, is the fact that Twilight is written by a woman. I'm not going to comment on Stephenie Meyer's religious beliefs, because that would not be my place, but it saddens me that young girls could be encouraged in what they are taught from a young age: that a Prince Charming will come and rescue them, and everything will be well.

With the release of the film New Moon, the second in the series, there have been a number of interesting articles around on the more unsettling side of Twilight. This one, I think, is especially worth reading:

Oh, and I am having a moral dilemma about whether or not I should go and see New Moon. What shall I do?

3) Earl Grey tea is delicious.



  1. Ugh. I really can't believe that article. It sounds like women are opting to subject themselves to the Victorian-torture-style clitorodectromies for no reason other than some twisted, sick perception of 'beauty'. Who performs this surgery!?

    Twilight is terrible. It's bad, sexist fanfiction at a whole new scale. Similarly, I don't understand what other girls are attracted to in it. Edward is clearly a stalker/pervert - that sparkles. Enough said.

    Yay for earl grey! :D


  2. Interestingly, it always seem to be men who carry out cosmetic surgery for women. It's the concept of 'the manmade woman.' It just disgusts me... I mean, are men really bothered about what someone's vagina looks like if it works properly?

    What will it be next, operations for a prettier navel or inner ear?!?!

    Haha, I'm glad we're agreed on this issue!

    Hooray for tea in general... omg Wylie's is overdue!

